Our strategic plan
In recent years, recognizing the need for a refreshed strategy and approach, the Network embarked on a strategic planning process for 2023-2025. Before beginning this strategy process, a review of the Network’s work over the last 8 years was developed by ZOE Institute for Future-fit Economies, which developed scenario’s for the future of the Network. A “Diversify and Expand” scenario was selected from these, and the strategy has been developed on that basis.
Momentum and Membership
Influence and
Implementation and Impact
Momentum and Membership
Diversify and grow the membership of the Network to represent a global movement working towards NiFG’s vision
Steps to reach the objective:
Network structures and processes are designed to enable and accommodate a diverse membership, including global representation and contribution from a variety of stakeholder groups.
Supportive relationships between existing institutions, organisations, and leaders and emerging is facilitated through the Network activities and membership.
The Network encourages the establishment of institutions worldwide whose mandate includes safeguarding the rights, interests and well-being of future generations.
Network structures and architecture allow diverse groups of people to participate in a way that suits and benefits them, their work and the broader movement.

Influence and Support
Influence and inform key developments in the international processes and other contexts to ensure future generations are taken into account in policy and governance.
Steps to reach the objective:
Support and encourage Member states to support the UN ongoing processes to promote the rights, interests, and well-being of future generations.
Support and encourage UN developments, in particular: a Declaration for Future Generations; the UN Summit for the Future; the establishment of a UN Special Envoy for Future Generations; proposed UN future generations platform.
To raise awareness in the local, national, regional and global arena and promote the concept and means of safeguarding the interests, rights and well-being of future generations in all areas of policy making and public discourse.
Develop strong mutually supportive relationships with various key institutions at the international and supranational level (UN, EU, AU) and collaborate on key activities.

Implementation and Impact
Build legitimacy and knowledge through shared knowledge, peer support, and examples of impact and success to support the movement working towards NIFG’s vision.
Steps to reach the objective:
Build a knowledge base of practical examples of how long-term approaches have improved governance and outcomes for future generations to help make the case for governance to protect future generations.
Topic and stakeholder specific working groups hosted by members are created to support knowledge sharing and meet multiple times throughout the year, including sharing of institutional successful practices and encourage learning among members.
Provide advice, support and share successful practices for crucial developments at the national and international level.
The Network and its members are visible in the public sphere and active in the UN fora on the topic.